
Automaxx  |  貨號: DB0600ABDBB

Automaxx 風車 600W 家用風力渦輪發電機套件

$790.99 $929.99

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可靠、乾淨的能源,保固期為 2 年。自信地投資。

AUTOMAXX 電量追蹤器應用程式(僅限藍牙版本)



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600W 12V/24V
風速降低 4.5 英里/小時


最大功率點追蹤 (MPPT) 系統有效地向電池提供電力,在電壓或轉速過高時自動煞車渦輪機。






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Automaxx Windmill 400W 家用和陸地風力渦輪發電機套件
Automaxx 船用 400W 風力渦輪發電機套件
Automaxx 風車 600W 家用風力渦輪發電機套件
Automaxx 風車 1500W 風力渦輪發電機套件
Cut-In Speed
Cut-In Speed
6.7 英里/小時/3m/秒
6.7 英里/小時/3m/秒
6.7 英哩/小時/3 m/s
7.6 英哩/小時/3 m/秒
Spinning Diameter
Spinning Diameter
Battery Capacity
Battery Capacity
重量22.0 lb 22.0 lb 26.5 lb 44.0 lb
$722.49 $849.99
$720.49 $849.99
$790.99 $929.99
$1,849.99 $2,199.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Easy install and Effective Charging

Bought this for my brother's new home. We have always wanted to install a wind power system at one of our houses and surprisingly this has worked perfectly. it was an easy install to our battery system and last night it immediately started charging when the breeze came through. We will see how this continues to work but as of now, we are very satisfied with the product.

Steven E.

Easy installation, immediate problems with MPPT. Although refund was processed quickly I think I'll shop somewhere else.

Great Customer Service!

Customer Service has been fantastic! I bought this unit to compliment a solar system for an off grid farm on Bonaire. It was simple to install and although we initially had a problem with a faulty MPPT, the team at Automaxx responded immediately and replaced the controller. Seems to be well made and happy with the performance!

Amazon Customer
extremely impresssed

The most impressive part of this whole package, is that it actually comes with an mppt charge controller! I thought it would come with some cheap controller, to my surprise it seems to be pretty solid, works well as it should, made out of metal and has a digital display that actually works! VERY IMPRESSED!The controller works well but it doesn’t seem to be customizable, would like to see a little bit of customization option built it. I only realized that this turbine is a 3 phase AC coming out, that’s great because the wire can be cheaper to buy from the turbine to the controller. Usually running a DC the same length would cost an arm and a leg (Saved a lot of cost to the set up on that surprise). The box only comes with the essentials to set the turbine up. I spent around an extra $150 for extra items such as pole, wire, cement etc…Within 3 days after setting it up, we were hit with 3 days of heavy rain and storm. So far, it held its own quite well. Seems to be strong enough. At least all the parts are still intact and still generating electricity.Overall very impressed with the build quality and usability of the turbine. Would highly recommend

Dora L.
Better than expected

I bought this unit about 2 months back and to be honest was a little confused as to how I would set this unit up. The assembly of the unit was simple and easy, just make sure you don’t have any nuts or screws left over and you should be fine (if you know what I mean). I assembled it up easily without the use of the instruction manual until I got to the wiring part. Was a bit confused when the unit had 3 colors (Red, Black and Blue) as a 3 phase wiring system but the mppt charge controller had (Red, Black and White). I was a bit worried that I would install it incorrectly so I asked the seller what was happening (They were very helpful BTW). They explained to me that the Blue wire should be connected to the White, they also sent me a diagram on the set up. I hooked the wind turbine up as per instructed in the instruction manual and “bam, bob’s your uncle!” the wind turbine started generating electricity. We get a fair amount of wind up here and I use the electricity for my tools in the garage on the weekends, I usually use up to 4/5 of the battery bank I have and I’ve always had full battery on the weekends for my wood work.So far, the wind turbine is running like a champ and hasn’t let me down yet, always keeping my battery full for the weekend, especially now getting into winter! I will see how the wind turbine holds up during the winter times and update this at a later stage.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Easy install and Effective Charging

Bought this for my brother's new home. We have always wanted to install a wind power system at one of our houses and surprisingly this has worked perfectly. it was an easy install to our battery system and last night it immediately started charging when the breeze came through. We will see how this continues to work but as of now, we are very satisfied with the product.

Steven E.

Easy installation, immediate problems with MPPT. Although refund was processed quickly I think I'll shop somewhere else.

Great Customer Service!

Customer Service has been fantastic! I bought this unit to compliment a solar system for an off grid farm on Bonaire. It was simple to install and although we initially had a problem with a faulty MPPT, the team at Automaxx responded immediately and replaced the controller. Seems to be well made and happy with the performance!

Amazon Customer
extremely impresssed

The most impressive part of this whole package, is that it actually comes with an mppt charge controller! I thought it would come with some cheap controller, to my surprise it seems to be pretty solid, works well as it should, made out of metal and has a digital display that actually works! VERY IMPRESSED!The controller works well but it doesn’t seem to be customizable, would like to see a little bit of customization option built it. I only realized that this turbine is a 3 phase AC coming out, that’s great because the wire can be cheaper to buy from the turbine to the controller. Usually running a DC the same length would cost an arm and a leg (Saved a lot of cost to the set up on that surprise). The box only comes with the essentials to set the turbine up. I spent around an extra $150 for extra items such as pole, wire, cement etc…Within 3 days after setting it up, we were hit with 3 days of heavy rain and storm. So far, it held its own quite well. Seems to be strong enough. At least all the parts are still intact and still generating electricity.Overall very impressed with the build quality and usability of the turbine. Would highly recommend

Dora L.
Better than expected

I bought this unit about 2 months back and to be honest was a little confused as to how I would set this unit up. The assembly of the unit was simple and easy, just make sure you don’t have any nuts or screws left over and you should be fine (if you know what I mean). I assembled it up easily without the use of the instruction manual until I got to the wiring part. Was a bit confused when the unit had 3 colors (Red, Black and Blue) as a 3 phase wiring system but the mppt charge controller had (Red, Black and White). I was a bit worried that I would install it incorrectly so I asked the seller what was happening (They were very helpful BTW). They explained to me that the Blue wire should be connected to the White, they also sent me a diagram on the set up. I hooked the wind turbine up as per instructed in the instruction manual and “bam, bob’s your uncle!” the wind turbine started generating electricity. We get a fair amount of wind up here and I use the electricity for my tools in the garage on the weekends, I usually use up to 4/5 of the battery bank I have and I’ve always had full battery on the weekends for my wood work.So far, the wind turbine is running like a champ and hasn’t let me down yet, always keeping my battery full for the weekend, especially now getting into winter! I will see how the wind turbine holds up during the winter times and update this at a later stage.


Automaxx 風車 600W 家用風力渦輪發電機套件

$790.99 $929.99

AUTOMAXX 電量追蹤器應用程式(僅限藍牙版本)


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